
Advertising in Construction- Survey Results

To further understand the use of advertising in the construction industry, the Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey of construction professionals. The following questions were asked: 1. Do you employ advertising in your marketing program? 2. If yes, what types of advertising do you employ? 3. What is your most effective Advertising activity? 4. What is your least effective Advertising activity?…
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Twitter for Construction Marketing

Twitter has some amazing capabilities that most people do not know about. Everyone assumes that Twitter is a way to let everyone know what they are doing every minute of everyday. Some individual users may use it for this purpose, but that doesn’t mean you have to listen. This ‘noise’ on Twitter is often a deterrent to most people even…
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5 Social Media Training Tips

The importance of social media in the construction industry continues to grow, with more and more examples of companies and brands realizing financial results. The promise of social media is improved search engine results, increased website traffic, real interaction with customers and prospects, and ultimately, measurable revenue generation. In addition, a huge opportunity exists to unleash employees, and involve staff…
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Facebook Best Practices for Construction

Everyone is talking about ways Facebook can help benefit your construction brand or company, but rarely do they ever talk about the basics. The real trick to any successful Facebook marketing strategy is a strong foundation. That foundation is built through understanding Facebook, and how it leverages social connections around the world. Facebook has made signing up extremely easy for…
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Supercharge Your PR Webcast for Construction Markets

Webcast / Panel Discussion – January 14, 20 at 12 pm CST A webcast entitled Supercharge Your PR for Construction Markets is now open for registration on the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) website. The free webcast for members and non-members is scheduled for Friday, January 14, 2011 at 12 pm CST. The webcast will include panelist Paul Deffenbaugh, Chief Content…
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Social Media for Construction – Panel Discussion Highlights

The September 15 Panel discussion featuring managers from some of the most successful construction brands — Caterpillar, USG and Emerson Electric — proved that social media is no longer just for tech nerds and underfunded start-ups. In parallel with other business marketing categories, construction marketers are embracing social media with aggressive initiatives, and measurable results. Each panelist answered three questions….
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A Blog Post About Construction Blogs

On the heels of our Social Media for Construction Webcast and Panel Discussion, with experts from Caterpillar, USG and Emerson Electric, one thing is for certain, BLOGS are a very important component of an internet and social media program. Why? Because no other single marketing tool can have such a demonstrable effect on search engine results while positioning you or…
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The Newest Rules of PR: Distribution Options

(CMA FOCUS SERIES: PUBLICITY:  PART 2 of 2) Per the prior post, the popularity and use of free publicity historically increases when the economy tanks. In the midst of this seemingly extended downturn, PR is certainly gaining priority in the construction marketing mix. At the same time, PR is changing significantly. So how can you refine your PR to realize greater…
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PR Has Changed. Have You Changed Your PR?

(CMA FOCUS SERIES: PUBLICITY:  PART 1 of 2) The popularity and use of free publicity historically increases when the economy tanks. In the midst of this seemingly extended downturn, PR is certainly gaining priority in the construction marketing mix. At the same time, PR is changing significantly. So how can you refine your PR to realize greater results? PART 1…
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