Transporting heavy machinery, like a crate, is no walk in the park. It requires a ton of effort in order to avoid damage to the equipment.
It’s also important to remember that a couple of industries around the globe depend on industrial moving companies to move large machinery from one place to another. Such loads can be too heavy and difficult to transport using the traditional methods. Aside from that, they require an experienced heavy equipment moving company to move the freight safely.
Cranes are very challenging to move, and this article is going to talk about the most effective tips to execute this job properly.
1. Know The Project Inside And Out
It’s all about details when it comes to a successful crane transport, having knowledge about all the bells and whistles of the project so that you can make a proper plan for the task at hand.
Knowing the dimensions and weight of the equipment that’s going to be transported is extremely critical to figure out the right logistics of the move. Once all the details are collected, the next step is to evaluate the budget, schedule the pick-up and delivery times, and analyze any risk to ensure smooth and safe transportation.
2. Map The Route Ahead Of Time
You may have already seen videos of trucks carrying cranes that are unable to clear an overpass because they’re too tall. Having a route mapped ahead of time and an actual on-the-road-through can ensure that such nightmares won’t happen.
Even driving on the highways can already present a lot of problems. Low bridges and overpasses can be difficult to maneuver for a truck that’s carrying a large crane. You also have to factor in the weather conditions and the road surface as well.
When planning out the route, choose one that has the least number of bridges, overpasses, turns, traffic stops, and any difficult terrain to avoid delays.
3. Choose The Right Trailer
When it comes to moving cranes, there’s a variety of trucks or trailers to choose from. Having the right vehicle for the job is essential as it guarantees fast and safe transportation. The right vehicle also depends on the size and weight of the crane you’re looking to transport.
If moving a small mobile crane, an average trailer should get the job done. But, if you’re looking to transport long and heavier cranes, you should get extendable trailers. As their name suggests, these trailers have an added functionality of being extendable, and are ideal for use when moving other types of heavy equipment.
Choosing the right trailer for transporting a crane is vital to proper heavy hauling. Along with keeping the driver and heavy equipment safe, selecting the appropriate vehicle for the job ensures that the transportation is going to be seamless, with minimal setbacks.
4. Acquire The Necessary Permits
Transporting heavy equipment requires you to get permits. The permits you have to acquire, however, depend on the size and weight of the heavy equipment being transported. Make sure that the moving company you’re going to hire knows and ins and outs of securing large loads or cargos, and is experienced in operating the equipment they’re transporting.
Drivers should also be aware of the laws and permits that are required by authorities. Following these rules will guarantee safe and fast transportation.
5. Choose A Reliable Moving Company
Last, but certainly not least, you need to have the right people on your side to properly transport a crane. Selecting the right moving company to move your heavy equipment is vital for a safe and fast move.
If you think about it, these people are quite experienced in planning transportation routes, acquiring necessary documents, and finding the right transport vehicle. They’re also well-equipped when faced with a couple of hiccups while on the road. They also have experienced and knowledgeable drivers. The best way to properly transport a crane is to consult a heavy hauling company that has a proven track record.
Transporting a crane is a stressful and time-consuming task, but if you work together with the right partners, you can easily pull it off.
Final Thoughts
Transporting heavy equipment is not an easy undertaking. There’s a ton of things you need to carry out and take care of—from planning, obtaining permits, choosing the right vehicle, loading, and then unloading the crane once you arrive at the destination. Hopefully, this article has been helpful and provided you with some insights into the proper methods and protocols for moving cranes or other types of heavy equipment.