
Social Media in Construction – Survey Results

To further understand social media use in the construction industry, the Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey of construction professionals. The following questions were asked: 1. Do you employ social media in your marketing program? 2. Do you manage social media marketing internally or outsource? 3. Which social networks do you employ? 4. Do you employ blogging? 5. What…
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Social Media Summit for Construction Brands | Webcast

A webcast from the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) will evaluate the BIG 4 social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter), and new options including Google+ and new social media marketing options including Google+. Numerous case studies will demonstrate social media best practices. Results of a national survey will be presented. The free webcast for members and non-members is scheduled for Tuesday,…
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Leveraging LinkedIn Groups: Build Your Network!

LinkedIn Groups LinkedIn was created for business professionals to communicate within a trusted network. These discussions happen within LinkedIn groups and fuel most of the interaction across the whole site. LinkedIn Groups opens a world of possibilities and allows you to accomplish several business activities. Your personal profile allows you to join and display up to 50 groups that you…
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Leveraging LinkedIn: Pages and Applications

Most people define LinkedIn as a digital resume. This definition fails to underline the power of LinkedIn for highlighting your company. Having a fully functional company page on LinkedIn will act as a resource to anyone interested in working with you or your company. LinkedIn will assist you in creating your company page, by giving you a step-by-step walk through….
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5 Social Media Training Tips

The importance of social media in the construction industry continues to grow, with more and more examples of companies and brands realizing financial results. The promise of social media is improved search engine results, increased website traffic, real interaction with customers and prospects, and ultimately, measurable revenue generation. In addition, a huge opportunity exists to unleash employees, and involve staff…
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The Power of LinkedIn for Business-to-Business Marketing (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two in a two part series on the power of LinkedIn for construction marketing. The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing Part 1 discussed why you should join LinkedIn, LinkedIn profiles, company pages, and provide you with a LinkedIn To-Do list. Part 2 covers LinkedIn Groups, InMails, and applications. LinkedIn gives us so many powerful features that…
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The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing (Part 1 of 2)

Part 1 of 2—LinkedIn Profiles and Company Pages This is part 1 in a two part series on the power of LinkedIn for construction marketing. Part 1 will discuss why you should join LinkedIn, LinkedIn profiles, company pages, and provide you with a LinkedIn To-Do list. The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing Part 2 will cover LinkedIn Groups, InMails,…
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Social Media Best Practices for Construction – Webcast Panel Discussion – September 15, 2010

Naperville, IL—July 19, 2010 The Construction Marketing Association (CMA) announces a Webcast Panel Discussion: Social Media Best Practices for Construction on September 15, 2010 at 12 pm CST. The free webcast will feature panelists from such leading construction brands as Caterpillar, USG and Emerson Electric. Panelists will share how their construction brands utilize social media, how social media integrates with…
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