Marketing Talent

Outsourced Marketing

Outsourced Marketing vs. Staffing for Construction Companies

The decision to Outsource Marketing to a consultant or agency, or to hire staff for marketing is a frequent but critical consideration. Factors include the frequency of specific marketing activities, the availability of talent, and the financial return of either scenario. The latter taking on new urgency within a recessionary environment. This article will define Outsourced Marketing and staffing, along with…
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Marketing Organizational Structures

6 Types of Marketing Organization Structures for Construction

Choosing the best organizational structure for your company in the construction industry can be challenging. In the world of organizational structures, the options you have to choose from include things like chain of command, span of control, centralization, and the list goes on. What is Organizational Structure? An organizational structure is a visual diagram of a company that describes what…
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Marketing Talent

How to Find Modern Marketing Talent

Marketing is changing, and the skills required to manage this marketing revolution are different. Are traditional marketing skills obsolete? Do educational curriculums support new marketing? Can senior marketing executives manage young managers without understanding new media and marketing? There are marketing skills and experience that transcend traditional and new media. In specialized construction segments, market and product knowledge will always…
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