Social Media Survey

Social Media Summit Survey Results

Social Media in Construction – 2019 Survey Results

The Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey to identify the effectiveness of different social media approaches of architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals. To better understand social media usage and trends in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (A/E/C) industry we asked the following questions: Do you employ social media in your marketing program? If yes, do you manage social…
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Social Media Construction

Social Media in Construction Webcast and Survey

A webcast and survey regarding social media marketing usage and best practices in the construction industry is announced by the Construction Marketing Association (CMA). The complimentary Social Media Summit – Construction – Webcast is scheduled for Thursday, October 10, 2019 (1 pm CST). Webcast panelist include Kevin Enke, Digital Technology Manager, KLEIN TOOLS, will share social media examples, and commentary….
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