If you hope to expand the client base for your construction company, excellent marketing is essential. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Several time-tested strategies won’t strain your budget. Here are seven smart, cost-effective ideas for maximizing your marketing reach.
1. Leverage Search Engine Optimization
In today’s world, people turn to the internet when they want information. That makes an appealing, user-friendly website is vital. However, the best site in the world won’t do you any good if no one sees it. To get your website in front of potential customers, you need first to get the attention of Google and other search engines. How do you ensure that your website will rank well? Use search engine optimization techniques. With a little SEO, you can create a website that will appeal to both search engines and users.
2. Keep Visitors Coming Back with Fresh Content on Your Website
First impressions are certainly important, but a relationship that isn’t nurtured tends to fade. An informative website with quality content gives you a chance to put your best foot forward. However, visitors are unlikely to return if you don’t offer them something new to explore. How do you keep your name in front of potential customers so that they think of you when they’re planning San Antonio construction projects? Offer fresh content on your website regularly. Supply an evolving mix of informative blog posts, personal stories, photos, and videos, and you’ll lure visitors back again and again.
3. Share Via Social Media
Social media is about being social, so it is no surprise that it’s a great way to connect with both potential and existing customers. To avoid being lost in this fast-flowing stream, engage with other users. Also, don’t hesitate to let both your expertise and your personality shine through. Offer information and insights that people can use. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of you and your staff and work and at play. Highlight any community involvement. Periodically, mix in a few posts about current and past projects, but emphasized education rather than selling.
4. Stay Connected with Email
When it’s done right, email marketing works. It’s also incredibly affordable. There are free apps that can help you maintain an effective campaign that lets you stay connected with your customers. You can even track their interactions with your offerings. With email marketing, the more comprehensive your net, the better your results. To secure a hearty email list, try to capture the emails of people who visit your website.
5. Reward Customer for Referrals
Word of mouth might be the oldest form of marketing. It remains effective today. Unfortunately, many people are more likely to speak up when things go wrong. How do you motivate those who are happy with your services to speak out? Develop a reward program for referring new customers. It is a simple, low-cost way to encourage your satisfied customers to spread the word about your top-notch services.
6. Build Industry Partnerships
Networking with other professionals takes time and effort, but it can indeed pay off. The same is true of partnering with them to complete projects or put on special events. Working with other companies builds goodwill that can lead to referrals. It also provides you with access to a broader audience. This gives you a chance to get noticed by customers who you might not normally encounter.
7. Get Involved with the Local Community
When it comes to building goodwill, community involvement is a great way to create a win-win situation. Lend a hand in the concession stand during your child’s game. Spend time helping children with their reading at the local library. Speak with students at the local school. Volunteer to maintain a stretch of highway or beach, or provide handyman services to someone in need. However, you choose to get involved; it will benefit both your community and your company. All you need to do is wear a branded shirt. Your good works will help others and have a positive impact on your company’s reputation.
Do you want to attract new customers and maintain established relationships? Are you eager to increase revenue and grow your construction business? If so, an effective marketing program is an absolute necessity. When you are unable to devote much in the way of financial resources to marketing, you can still make a valuable impression. It takes a little time, effort and cleverness, but free marketing opportunities can deliver amazing results.