Sometimes the summer season is a time of reflection, and self-improvement. So how can you improve your marketing skills in the construction industry? We have 3 tips for improving your marketing skills: become a Construction Marketing Association (CMA) member; buy the book, Tools of the Trade–Modern Marketing for Construction Brands; and get professional marketing certification!
Lets take a look at each of these. First, how can becoming a CMA member improve your marketing skills? CMA offers marketing resources, training, recognition, and certification programs to propel your results, and your career! Check out these member benefits:
• Free marketing eNewsletter
• Free webcast training presentations; access prior webcasts
• Access members-only Databank with how to guides, whitepapers, lists, research
• Access CMA member directory for networking and business development
• Free company listing in Resource Directory (high pagerank follow backlink)
• Promote your company via guest blogs (with follow backlinks), or webcast panelists
• Discounted member fees for the annual CMA STAR Awards (enter by October!)
• Discounted member fees for the Certified Construction Marketing Professional (CCMP) program
• Other benefits including the CMA Career Center, local chapter events, recognition and networking
To become a CMA member, link here:
Next, do buy the book, Tools of the Trade–Modern Marketing for Construction Brands, by CMA Chairman Neil M. Brown.
The 214-page comprehensive guide covers all aspects of marketing building products, equipment and construction services to construction and related targets. Units include Strategic Marketing, Tactical Marketing, Specialized Marketing, Practical Marketing, and Marketing Resources. All functional marketing types including traditional and digital media are described with practical tips. Content on channel marketing, A/E/C marketing and retail hardware/home improvement marketing is provided, along with many, specific examples of marketing programs and campaigns in the construction industry. The book also serves as the study guide for the CMA’s Certified Construction Marketing Professional (CCMP) program.
Link here for special CMA Website Price: $79 (including ground shipping)
Last but not least, get certified. That is, register and complete the Certified Construction Marketing Professional (CCMP).
Certifications are important in the construction industry, helping you stand out from the crowd, and achieve career success. Certifications also help your employer demonstrate expertise and professionalism.
The CCMP program entails a 214-page study guide, and a web-based examination. You can read and study at your own pace, and take the examination when ready. Depending on your area of the construction industry, there are 3 tracks and exams to choose from: construction services, manufacturers that sell to construction, and retail building products.
Once you pass the examination, we will mail a frame-quality CCMP certificate, and you are licensed to use the CCMP designation after your name. The whole process averages 4-8 weeks for most registrants.
We hope you will consider becoming a Construction Marketing Association (CMA) member. The CCMP is $100 less for members, and membership is only $169, so it is almost free! Following are links to more information on the CCMP program:
Questions? Contact CMA Chairman Neil Brown using the contact form, or call 630-868-Fifty Sixty one.