Tag Archive: Construction Email List

Email Marketing Tips for Construction

Top Strategies for Winning the Email Marketing Game

Remember that time people said “[X] will be the death of email”? Well, they were somewhat wrong. While email continues to chug along at a consistent pace, technology has gotten smarter, spam filters have gotten more stringent, and it’s up to us as construction marketers to improve their strategies. We’ve discussed these strategies in relative detail over the past few…
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Construction Email Lists- The Importance of Email Marketing

With people’s reliance on the Internet increasing drastically over the past decade, email marketing continues be a proven outreach strategy eclipsing more traditional strategies such as direct mail, billboard, and telemarketing. The average person not only checks their email daily but multiple times throughout the day and email marketing is ideal for you to engage potential customers where they already…
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Email Marketing For Construction (Part 2 of 2)

This blog, Part 2 in the a series will share email marketing testing tips, measuring email campaigns, a Glossary of Terms, and an enormous construction email list. Email Marketing For Construction (Part 1 of 2) covered email marketing basics, and email tips and tricks. Email Marketing Testing One of the advantages of email is the ease of testing and optimizing…
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