Tag Archive: Construction Marketing Secrets

Construction Marketing Secret: Architecture Billings a Leading Indicator of Construction

by Kermit Baker and Diego Saltes Analysis of the Relationship Between A Billings Index and Construction Spending. Due to the size and cyclicality of construction, a premium is placed on accurately predicting nonresidential construction trends, particularly at turning points in the construction cycle. Given that construction decisions are made by hundreds of thousands of businesses, nonprofit institutions, and government organizations,…
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Share Your Construction Marketing Secrets and Win a Free iPad!

Share your secrets for effective construction marketing with our monthly blog column. We will publish with credit and make you famous! Share ideas and approaches of some of your best marketing programs. No you don’t have to include proprietary results, just some good descriptions! The best secret of the year will win a FREE iPad! And a complimentary Construction Marketing Association…
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Construction Marketing Secrets: 80/20 Rule and CMA Lists

This is the post you won’t want to miss. Once monthly, the Construction Marketing Blog will share Construction Marketing Secrets that may come from our editors or consultants, from a member or construction industry luminary, or from a relevant vendor. But it will be enlightening. Please be sure to Retweet, Share and Bookmark these posts. Without further ado, the Pareto…
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