With COVID-19, many companies must think outside the box to keep their engagement high. There is no better time than today to start planning your next webinar.
Here are 10 successful webinar tips
Know you attendees
Consider these three questions: Who will be attending? What challenges are they facing? What are their goals? Knowing these three questions will allow you to get a better understanding of the audience.
Visual Branding
You need to be consistent and align everything with your brand. Add your logo. Add fonts, colors, and visuals that match your branding.
Pick your topic
Focus on your content first. Remember, people attend webinars to learn, so make sure the topic is something they are interested in. The webinar title has to be interesting.
Here are some ways you can find out what your audience is looking for:
- FAQs
- Ask sales/social team
- Poll your audience
- Check out your competition
Pick a convenient time
Time zones are very important. Mid-day is better than early or late day. A Lunch & Learn can be popular. Offer GrubHub gift cards to attendees to buy their lunch! Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday better days than Monday or Friday.
Recruit a quest speaker
Choose a speaker or panelist that is either a customer of your company, or an influencer of the industry. They should be credible and have some authority.
Test your gear
As a host, having your gear mess up mid-presentation is embarrassing. The day before your webinar, test everything out to make sure it will work the day of.
Promote your webinar
To get an audience, promoting is very important.
Ways to promote your webinar:
- Press release write and distribute
- Social media posts
- Create a fun hashtag
- Write a blog
- Send an email
- Use homepage banner or call-out graphic with webinar title, date, registration link
Engage your audience
- Ask your audience poling questions and have them answer on social media or in a chat.\
- Have them use a hashtag
- Send out a survey at the end
Send people more content
After the webinar, send your audience more content about the topic you just taught. An example of this would be sending a recap blog or share your PowerPoint.
Having a successful webinar requires a lot of planning and thinking outside the box.
Additional Webinar Resources:
The Top 3 Secrets To Hosting A Successful Webinar (Forbes)
Best Practices for Hosting a Digital Event (Zoom)
Why Do My Webcasts Suck? (MMP)