Social Media Training

Twitter for Construction Marketing

Twitter has some amazing capabilities that most people do not know about. Everyone assumes that Twitter is a way to let everyone know what they are doing every minute of everyday. Some individual users may use it for this purpose, but that doesn’t mean you have to listen. This ‘noise’ on Twitter is often a deterrent to most people even…
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FREE Webcast! YouTube and Video Best Practices

A webcast on YouTube and Video Best Practices is now open for registration on the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) website. The free webcast for members and non-members is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 1 pm CST. Video is the killer app for construction marketing and search optimization. Learn how Caterpillar deploys YouTube and video for customer engagement from…
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QR Codes for Construction Marketing

QR Codes are everywhere! The hype is backed up by statistics such as 14 million American’s scanned QR Codes in June, 2011 alone! (source: comScore) Clearly most of what we encounter is consumer advertising and retail applications. So what about the construction industry? Are QR Codes an effective marketing vehicle? The answer is yes! And this blog will demonstrate the…
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5 Social Media Training Tips

The importance of social media in the construction industry continues to grow, with more and more examples of companies and brands realizing financial results. The promise of social media is improved search engine results, increased website traffic, real interaction with customers and prospects, and ultimately, measurable revenue generation. In addition, a huge opportunity exists to unleash employees, and involve staff…
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The Power of LinkedIn for Business-to-Business Marketing (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two in a two part series on the power of LinkedIn for construction marketing. The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing Part 1 discussed why you should join LinkedIn, LinkedIn profiles, company pages, and provide you with a LinkedIn To-Do list. Part 2 covers LinkedIn Groups, InMails, and applications. LinkedIn gives us so many powerful features that…
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Content Marketing is King for Construction!

The recent CMA webcast “Killer Construction Content” demonstrated that content is king! Content marketing is becoming foundational to a modern marketing program. Content supports such goals as awareness, customer retention and lead generation. Marketers are transforming into authors and publishers. Content marketing is the creation and distribution of educational and/or compelling information in multiple formats to attract and/or retain customers….
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The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing (Part 1 of 2)

Part 1 of 2—LinkedIn Profiles and Company Pages This is part 1 in a two part series on the power of LinkedIn for construction marketing. Part 1 will discuss why you should join LinkedIn, LinkedIn profiles, company pages, and provide you with a LinkedIn To-Do list. The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing Part 2 will cover LinkedIn Groups, InMails,…
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Facebook Best Practices for Construction

Everyone is talking about ways Facebook can help benefit your construction brand or company, but rarely do they ever talk about the basics. The real trick to any successful Facebook marketing strategy is a strong foundation. That foundation is built through understanding Facebook, and how it leverages social connections around the world. Facebook has made signing up extremely easy for…
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LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter Best Practices for Construction Markets Webcast

A webcast entitled LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter Best Practices for Construction Markets is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 12 pm CST. The webcast is free to both members and non-members. Construction Marketing Association (CMA) Social Media Manager Brian Reuhl and CMA Chairman Neil M. Brown share tips and tricks, new business-friendly features and real construction market examples for these important new…
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Measuring Marketing Results: Best Practices for Construction Webcast

The recent survey of construction marketers ranked measuring results of marketing as their top priority for 2011, beating out all priorities including internet and social media. Clearly, in a difficult market, marketing is under increased scrutiny to prove results and justify budgets. The Construction Marketing Association will present a free webcast addressing this important topic on Monday, November 15 at…
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