You probably never put much thought into it, but a water heater is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your home. You use it to heat the shower, cooking water, hand washing and a lot more. These are things that are easy to ignore, until you can’t have them. To avoid a situation where you wake up one morning and your shower just can’t heat up, ensure that your water heater is taken care of, at all times. To help you avoid inconveniences, here is how to assess your water heater, to determine if it needs a repair.
1. Let a professional check it up for you
If you have just moved to a new house, or just can’t remember when you last installed the heater, then it could be time to talk to a professional. Such a person can check up the heater, and tell you whether it’s in good condition, or might need some repairs soon. However, before you engage one, you need to be sure that they are good at the job. The last thing you want is for a technician to ruin a heater that is already in perfect condition. If you live in Greenville South Carolina, you could try out One Call Plumbing. A quick internet search for water heater repair Greenville SC should give you One Call Plumbing as one of the best. They are licensed, and have over 20 years’ experience in the industry. This means, they understand water heaters well.
2. Rusty water
Rust is an important give away that something is up with your heater. If it has not yet reached its expiration date, you can have an expert check it out, and replace the old rusting pipes. On the other hand, if your heater is really old, and is close to its shelf-life, then a repair expert may advise you to replace it with a new one. Most heaters last for 10 years, and you might start experiencing rusty water, as it approaches the end of its working life.
3. If it starts getting noisy
If you notice that your water heater is making lots of noise, then it could be time to call a technician. A noisy heater is usually an indicator of sediment in the tank, something that can significantly shorten its lifespan. Talk to a technician and have them flush it out. To ensure that this problem doesn’t recur, have the tank flushed at least once a year.
4. If you notice leaks in the tank
This is a major giveaway that your tank could need repair. Once you notice water on the floor of the tank, it is best to get in touch with a technician. That’s because, if left unchecked, it could ruin not just the heater, but could also cause damage to your house. It’s important to note that a leaking tank is usually an indicator that the heater is nearing its useful life. As such, even as you repair it, it could be time to start shopping around for a replacement.