Email Marketing for Construction (Part 1 of 2)

This blog (Part 1) will cover email marketing basics, and email tips and tricks. Email Marketing For Construction Part 2 will share testing tips, measuring email campaigns, and a Glossary of Terms. What Is Email Marketing? Email marketing is the first social media. Long before blogs, Twitter and Facebook, marketers used email to communicate with customers and prospects in a…
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Retail Home Center Marketing Best Practices – Webcast

A webcast on retail home center marketing and merchandising best practices for construction products is now open for registration on the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) website. The free webcast for members and non-members is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 1 pm CST. Click Here To Register!   Learn how to market to The Home Depot, Lowe’s, hardware co-ops…
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The Changing Construction Marketing Mix

Construction marketing is changing rapidly. The marketing mix is evolving, in a good way. There are many reasons for this metamorphosis. First, construction and business-to-business buyers (like consumers) increasingly use the Internet for sourcing and selecting products and services. Therefore search optimization becomes more important than ever. Internet search engine optimization (SEO) and social media both improve search results. Second,…
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What Is Your Marketing GPA?

Free Grading Service Now Available! A new marketing grading service is available that measures company or brand marketing performance on a 4.0 grade point average scale similar to education, and then issues a Marketing Report Card. The free Construction Marketing GPA™/Marketing Report Card™ service grades five (5) categories including: brand execution, marketing programs, Internet marketing, social media integration, and marketing…
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5 Social Media Training Tips

The importance of social media in the construction industry continues to grow, with more and more examples of companies and brands realizing financial results. The promise of social media is improved search engine results, increased website traffic, real interaction with customers and prospects, and ultimately, measurable revenue generation. In addition, a huge opportunity exists to unleash employees, and involve staff…
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New Product Development and Launch Webcast for Construction

A webcast entitled New Product Development and Launch Best Practices for Construction is now open for registration on the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) website. The free webcast for members and non-members is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 1 pm CST. With stratospheric new product development costs, and new product failure rates in excess of 90%, product development and…
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Engineering News-Record (ENR) The 2011 Top 400 Contractors

ENR’s 2011 Top 400 Contractors ranks the 400 largest General Contractors by 2010 revenue. This is a comprehensive package of data and analysis that contains the previous year’s rankings and percentage of revenue by market. The list also ranks the largest firms in a wide variety of market sectors. There is also a statistical summary of the 2011 Top 400…
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Call for Entries to the Construction Marketing Awards!

The annual Construction Marketing STAR™ awards honor marketing excellence of construction industry professionals, across a broad range of functional marketing disciplines. STAR and SUPERSTAR recognition will be awarded for each of fourteen categories, along with a BEST in SHOW. The new Construction Marketer of the Year Awards recognizes companies, brands or individuals for marketing excellence with regional and national winners….
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The Power of LinkedIn for Business-to-Business Marketing (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two in a two part series on the power of LinkedIn for construction marketing. The Power of LinkedIn for Construction Marketing Part 1 discussed why you should join LinkedIn, LinkedIn profiles, company pages, and provide you with a LinkedIn To-Do list. Part 2 covers LinkedIn Groups, InMails, and applications. LinkedIn gives us so many powerful features that…
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Advanced Branding Boot Camp – Webcast June 15

Click Here to Register A webcast entitled Advanced Branding Boot Camp is now open for registration on the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) website. The free webcast for members and non-members is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 1 pm CST. Construction Marketing Association Chairman Neil M. Brown will share highlights of his book “Branding Best Practices” including naming strategy,…
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