On-site safety is often the number one priority of construction companies, unfortunately, one of the biggest dangers is not what happens on the job, but off it. Mental health issues are abundant in every industry, but for the construction industry, they are immense.
Construction is the number one industry for number of suicides and the number two industry in suicide rates. As such, it is an industry imperative to shatter the mental health stigma and create caring cultures within our companies.
Unfortunately, getting the conversation started, especially in an industry like construction, is a challenge. It’s an industry that is often too silent; often this silence and internalization can have deadly effects. It’s time to change the conversation and stigma about talking about mental health and begin addressing these risks just as we would a jobsite accident.
Save the Dates: National Suicide Prevention Month, Week, and International Suicide Prevention Day
September is a perfect time to take a closer look at how we can address and impact these issues. CFMA will mark International Suicide Prevention Day (September 10), National Suicide Prevention Week (September 10-16), and National Suicide Prevention Month by participating in the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s #BeThe1To save a life campaign.
Five Steps to Spread The Word, Give Hope, and Help Someone in Crisis
While there is nothing simple about suicide prevention, there are ways to normalize the conversations about mental health and suicide prevention and to promote healing, help and to give hope.
Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to open the conversation, and to address this, the Construction Financial Management Association has established the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention will be publishing advice on getting the conversation started.
Throughout the month of September, the CFMA will be sending emails about the five steps to make the conversation and to encourage people to get the help they need. Part of the larger #BeThe1To save a life campaign, each email will introduce you to the five steps, how to take them, and why they are effective.
#BeThe1To Ask
#BeThe1To Keep Them Safe
#BeThe1To Be There
#BeThe1To Help Them Connect
#BeThe1To Follow Up
Stay Connected with #BeThe1To Campaign
Additionally, you can stay connected and join the conversation by following the #BeThe1To discussions on CFMA’s Connection Café, and the #BeThe1To Twitter Chat taking place on September 12, 2017 at 2 PM ET.
Additional Suicide Prevention and Crisis Resources
Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line – Text CONNECT to 741741
For more information about the campaign, visit Home – #BeThe1To