workplace injuries

4 Most Common Workplace Injuries

According to the National Safety Council, 12,900 work-related injuries happen every day in the United States. From severe back pain to broken bones, workers across different industries and occupations can become susceptible to a wide range of injuries. A person’s workplace conditions and the type of work they engage in cause these risks.  Likewise, other jobs leave workers more exposed…
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Construction Marketing

Construction Marketing: Tips for Building a Better Audience

Marketing your business can put you in high demand in your community. Higher material prices make customers choosier about which projects they want to start. As a result, some reduce the scope of existing projects, which can leave construction companies with fewer jobs. Competition is already fierce, but by marketing your business online with the emphasis on the right things,…
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Carpentry power tools

7 Must-Have Carpentry Power Tools For DIY Success

Carpentry power tools are essential in every do-it-yourself (DIY) project. Whether you’ll work on a small project or a large-scale one, you may need the best power tools to achieve the shape, size, and thickness according to plan. Without the appropriate power tools, it would be more challenging for you to cut, rip, plane, and drill wood. It may also…
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construction loan

What You Should Know Before Taking a Construction Loan

Finding your dream home with all the unique features within your budget and in the perfect location can be challenging. However, with a construction loan, you can build your dream home from scratch without making compromises. A construction loan is high-interest, short-term financing that you can use to custom-build your home. It covers land acquisition costs, building materials, construction permits,…
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inventory management

How To Improve The Management Of Construction Site Inventory

Site inventory management is a crucial part of any construction business. However, construction inventory can run into a few specific challenges. Plans and timelines can quickly fall apart if supplies fail to meet demand. Additionally, each delay inevitably drains finances and your company’s image. Updating your inventory management style will require a bit of creativity in equal measures of practicality….
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The Super Sack: The Endless Potential for the Perfect Transportation

What if there was a way to move goods more efficiently than ever before? What if there was a transportation method that could handle any load, large or small? Super sacks may be the answer that you are looking for. These sacks have endless potential for perfect transportation. They can be used to move goods of all sizes and shapes,…
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CNC machines

What You Should Know About CNC Machining

Decades ago, the manufacturing industry had to rely on active human labor, effort-extensive steps, and unnecessarily long production periods. However, the manufacturing industry has significantly improved with today’s current technology. And one of those innovations is computer numerical control or CNC machining. Large production businesses and manufacturers often invest in having their CNC machines. However, more and more business owners…
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10 Signs Your Home May Have a Major Plumbing Problem

Problems with your home’s plumbing system may seem relatively insignificant at first, but it’s very easy for them to quickly spiral beyond your control. For this reason, it is absolutely crucial that you are able to recognize some of the most common warning signs that your home may be indicating an issue with the plumbing. With that said, here’s our…
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How to Get Large Group Health Insurance Plans for Contractor Business Employees

If you, as an employer, have 1099 employees on your staff from time to time, you may be wondering whether you are required to provide health insurance to them. While you are not legally obligated to offer health plans to these workers, you can still choose to. What is a 1099 Employee? The phrase “1099 employee” generally describes people that…
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rustic makeover

11 Ways To Give Your Home A Rustic Makeover

Do you love the rustic look but don’t know how to achieve it in your home? You’re not alone! Many people find the rustic style appealing but don’t know where to start. There are many simple ways to give your home a rustic makeover. These tips will help you create a cozy and charming space that reflects your style, from…
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