Tag Archive: Best Practices

Video Marketing Trends

Incorporate These 4 Video Trends into Your 2019 Marketing Efforts

Video content has taken its rightful place in construction companies’ strategic marketing conversations. It provides a powerful way to communicate your brand, share your story, and build relationships through sight, sound and motion. Experts expect this year that businesses will produce an average of one video per day. This type of content continues to grow by leaps and bounds because…
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Survey Results

Social Media in Construction – 2018 Survey Results

The Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey to identify the effectiveness of different social media approaches of architectural/engineering/construction (AEC) professionals. To better understand social media usage and trends in the AEC industry we asked the following questions: Do you employ social media in your marketing program? If yes, do you manage social media marketing internally or outsource? What social…
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Construction Leads Webcast

Construction Lead Services – Webcast and Survey

The Construction Marketing Association announces a national webcast and survey regarding construction lead service best practices and effectiveness. The panel discussion and survey results will be presented at the November 15, 2018 webcast (1 pm CST). Panelist and industry veteran Chris Noble of Dodge Data & Analytics, and CMA Chairman Neil Brown will shed insights into construction lead services. The…
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construction about pages

Create Your Best Construction “About” Page

Customers who view your “About” page spend 22.5% more than those who don’t. If they’re looking over your “About” page, it’s already a good sign, but you don’t want to lose them there. Use your “About” page to further showcase your construction business and explain to visitors why they should consider your firm over others. Here’s some tips that will…
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CMA 2018 Outlook Webcast

Construction Marketing Association Announces 2018 Outlook Webcast

The construction world is constantly changing and it’s important to keep up.This is why we would like to invite you to an upcoming webcast designed to teach you best practices, identify trends, and discuss what’s next for the construction-marketing world. Each year the Construction Marketing Association presents its predictions and strategies for the upcoming year and would like to invite…
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blogging best practices for construction webcast

Upcoming ‘Blogging Best Practices’ Webcast

On Thursday March 16, 2017 at 1 PM CST, the Construction Marketing Association (CMA) will offer a free webcast – Blogging Best Practices – with a focus on the A/E/C industry (architectural, engineering, and construction). “Content marketing is the hottest topic in marketing, and blogging can be the engine behind content marketing,” states CMA Chairman Neil M. Brown. “The webcast will…
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Content Marketing Best Practices – Survey

Content Marketing is one of the best ways for a B2B business to gain visibility. This is because good content impresses prospective customers, as well as industry peers. In addition, great content supports search authority and drives lead generation.

Content Marketing for Construction – Webcast

  “Content is arguably the hottest topic in marketing, with the construction industry lagging others,” states CMA Chairman Neil M. Brown. “Our national survey and webcast will identify best practices and share tips for effective implementation. 

5 Success Factors for Construction Firms

Since the economy’s slow improvement, the construction industry has seen growth as well. The issue, however, is the growth is mixed. Some companies are benefitting from the economic environment, while others are still being trampled by the lasting effects of the recession. Raken, a construction reporting app, shares success factors for construction firms in a recent whitepaper.

Benefits of Construction Mobile Apps

Construction firm owners are beginning to truly understand the benefits of using smartphone and tablet devices for work. One benefit that is often overlooked however is using mobile devices to reduce reliance on paper forms and manual processes. The average cost of paper per employee is $80. It takes an average of 18 minutes to find a paper document, and…
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