Tag Archive: Advertising

Content Marketing Best Practices – Survey

Content Marketing is one of the best ways for a B2B business to gain visibility. This is because good content impresses prospective customers, as well as industry peers. In addition, great content supports search authority and drives lead generation.

Advertising in Construction [INFOGRAPHIC]

To further understand the use of advertising in the construction industry, the Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey of construction professionals in 2013. Below are the results of that survey in infographic form. You can embed this infographic on your website, blog, etc. using the embed code below. And please share our infographic using the social bookmarking tools below.

Advertising in Construction-Webcast Summary

The Construction Marketing Association’s Advertising Best Practices Webcast was packed full of inspired advertising case studies in the construction industry. CMA Chairman, Neil M. Brown, also shared tips on media planning and buying to better your advertising strategy. Results from a recent national CMA survey were also presented.  The survey found that 96.6% of construction professionals employed some form of…
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Advertising Construction Products and Services Survey

The Construction Marketing Association is conducting a national survey on the use of advertising in the construction industry. The survey addresses best practices, advertising tactics, and measurement strategies. You can take the Advertising Construction Products and Services Survey here. It is a quick survey, with only 7 questions and a request to receive results. The results of the survey will…
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Advertising Best Practices for Construction- Webcast

Advertising for construction is now the hot topic of the industry! Therefore, the Construction Marketing Association will hold a webcast entitled Advertising Best Practices for Construction and conduct a national survey regarding advertising products and services in construction. The webcast will be held Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 1pm CST.  This great opportunity is free to both CMA members and…
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Practical Tips for Advertising Testing

Advertising is one of the most expensive elements in the marketing mix, whether print, broadcast or online. And because of the fickle and subjective nature of advertising, seemingly great ideas can flop, while unexpected approaches surprise even the most experienced marketers. With all financial investment at stake, it makes sense to gain insight into customer reaction. There are a variety…
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Right-Sizing Your Advertising: How to Create a Construction Advertising Machine

Originally posted by The Business Marketing Institute, by Eric Gagnon We’re hearing all kinds of news about companies pulling out of their print advertising schedules, with no end in sight. At the same time, there’s a lot of happy talk out there from people in and around the construction marketing field telling you that cutting back on print advertising is…
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Small Ads Deliver Big Sales Leads

No question that advertising’s role in the construction marketing mix is evolving to driving prospects to a registration page or microsite with offers that capture information for future marketing. Small ads can be your vehicle! One inexpensive but extremely effective ad placement option is classified ads in trade publications that often cost hundreds, not thousands. Small ad sizes using 1…
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Quick Market Testing and Key Marketing Measurements Using Pay-Per-Click Search

by Eric Gagnon Print direct mail is a powerful means for market-testing sales copy, promotions, pricing, and other critical aspects of your marketing program. Online pay-per-click (PPC) advertising programs, such as Google AdWords, can also be used as a powerful, effective, and very fast method for testing many aspects of your marketing program’s sales copy, benefits, headlines, pricing and other…
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