FINAL Extended Deadline for CMA STAR Awards: Friday Sept 28

We have received such an OVERWHELMING amount of feedback from construction marketers on the CMA STAR Awards that we have now EXTENDED the award entry deadline to this Friday, September 28. So, for those of you who still have outstanding examples of construction marketing that you want to submit – you have one more week to do it! The CMA…
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Social Media Summit – Webcast Summary

With the rapid growth of social media, no surprise that the Social Media Summit for Construction had record breaking attendance for a Construction Marketing Association (CMA) webcast. Panelists included Brian Stokoe, social media strategist for Caterpillar Inc, and Heather Dolan, Asphalt Commercialization Manager for Meadwestvaco Specialty Chemicals (MWV). CMA Chairman, Neil Brown moderated the panel. The Social Media Summit was packed with useful…
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Social Media in Construction – Survey Results

To further understand social media use in the construction industry, the Construction Marketing Association conducted a national survey of construction professionals. The following questions were asked: 1. Do you employ social media in your marketing program? 2. Do you manage social media marketing internally or outsource? 3. Which social networks do you employ? 4. Do you employ blogging? 5. What…
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Awards Deadline–CMA STAR Q&A–Final Entry Sept. 21

The 2012 Construction Marketing STAR™ Awards and  Construction Marketer of the Year™ Awards final entry deadline is fast approaching this Friday, September 21!  Interest is boiling over for both construction companies and manufacturers that market to the construction industry. So to help you make the award entry deadline, we bring you CMA STAR Awards questions and answers, or Q&A.  …
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Distributor Channel Marketing Survey Results

Most construction product brands that sell to professional construction firms typically sell to distributors. Beside the distributor designation, channel participants might be designated as dealers, wholesalers, jobbers, installers, manufacturers representatives or brokers. In this post, we’ll cover various tactics for distributor and channel marketing and share a survey with you, taken by construction marketing professionals, on which channel promotions they…
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Why Construction Brands Should Consider Pinterest

Who says B2B companies can’t use Pinterest? Why on earth would an architecture, engineering or construction firm consider it? Believe it or not, more B2B companies are finding pinterest to be very effective in their digital marketing strategies. Here we’ll cover tips for using Pinterest to your benefit and give you examples of other A/E/C and B2B companies using it…
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How Construction Companies can Leverage Social Media

According to a survey by Harvard Business Review magazine, 2011, around 58 percent of companies revealed that they are using social media to promote their business. The report, Social Media: What Most Companies Don’t Know, also revealed that another 21 percent of companies are planning to use social media in the near future. A lot of engineering, architectural, and construction…
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Are You The Next Construction Marketer of The Year?

Do you have what it takes to be the Construction Marketer of the Year? With the CMA STAR Awards right around the corner, we wanted to highlight past winners of the Construction Marketer of the Year Award and explain what it takes to be a Construction Marketer of the Year! About the Construction Marketer of the Year Award The award…
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Marketing To Home Improvement Retailers: Line Reviews

This is the final entry in a three-part blog series on marketing to home improvement retailers. Part one gave an overview of the retail home improvement category and shared the results of a survey on retail marketing practices. Part two covered home improvement retail merchandising and packaging. This part will discuss retail line reviews. Retailers continually evaluate their vendors and…
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Marketing To Home Improvement Retailers: Merchandising and Packaging

Marketing to home improvement retailers includes considering retail merchandising and packaging. This is part two of a three-part blog series on marketing to home improvement retailers. Part one gave a retail snapshot and provided the results of a 2011 survey on retail marketing practices conducted by the Construction Marketing Association. This part covers home improvement retail merchandising and packaging and…
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